Dal 22 marzo al 28 aprile 2012, Avantgarden Gallery presenta "Things We Shouldn't Talk About" la prima mostra personale di Anthony Lister a Milano
This site is about streetart in Milano and all the artists who have left their works in the streets of Milano: Italian or foreigners, well known artists or unknown people who just liked to leave their sign trying to engage in a conversation with the street. See more pictures about streetart in Milano at www.flickr.com/wallsofmilano
Dal 22 marzo al 28 aprile 2012, Avantgarden Gallery presenta "Things We Shouldn't Talk About" la prima mostra personale di Anthony Lister a Milano
Dal 22 marzo al 28 aprile 2012, Avantgarden Gallery presenta "Things We Shouldn't Talk About" la prima mostra personale di Anthony Lister a Milano
Dal 22 marzo al 28 aprile 2012, Avantgarden Gallery presenta "Things We Shouldn't Talk About" la prima mostra personale di Anthony Lister a Milano